
There's always room for another race!
That's a horrible idea... What time?!

Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Wrap-Up Rap

A Late 2023 to 2024 Wrap-Up Rap!

Back in mid December, STUR went into the Sweater Weather Meet with no expectations -
But of course she didn’t completely treat it like a vacation.
First up was the long “ish” 500 free-
She was lucky to have BBun as her counter you see!

Every time she flipped she knew she would be cheering-
STUR thanks her for volunteering!
The 100 fly came very quickly after this event-
The wall on the last lap was heaven sent!

A quick 50 free was next in the first leg of a relay-
Have no idea where they placed! You don’t say!?
After some meet technical difficulties-
She got the 100 and then finally the 200 done- geez
It was a long day but took time after to visit the water park-
Inside the closed slide is very dark!
The very next day, BBun went to do a little run
At Fairfax Corner and it was a bit of chilly fun
For her troubles she got a cool hat and shirt
And she ran without stopping - but that didn’t hurt. 

Saw Greg for a few seconds at the finish
Long enough to get a selfie as you wish
Then met up with some peeps from high school
Coffee at their usual Starbucks is always cool
Joined by two teachers from way back when
It’s always good to catch up with them!

To run out 2023, STUR and BBun did a race
12k in Burke and a new distance for both in this case. 

It was a sunny and cool but not too cold
Perfect running weather truth be told
One water stop guy wished them “hoppy” new year-
We know it’s not Easter yet- never fear!
At the end there was a medal and snacks-
Were there any Oreos? Perhaps…


In February some rabbits gathered again at Burke Lake.
Lots of distances available to take!
KBun and STUR both did the half
TBun the 10K and BBun a 5K, natch! 

Also ran into an old friend from Team Z days
Helen and her dog Betsy have joined the Bishops running craze! 

In early March the rabbit crew took on the Pistol Ultras again
Lots of different distances, for the win

KBUN made a valiant effort out of NINETY miles!!
As she suffered with some terrible blisters for many miles.

TBun breezed through a 50k
Got it done on a rainy day

Stilt was in for the overnight 50
She got it done - pretty nifty
STUR decided twenty miles was certainly enough-
She happily let the RD know- she wasn’t gruff

BBun toed the line for a marathon
Two long and short out and backs got it done

Richard was also out there for some Pistol fun
A 50k then some time spent with KBun 



The last weekend in April two rabbits raced a double
It’s no big deal - It keeps them out of trouble 

On Saturday it was a West Virginia 10k
Held at Canaan Valley, you don’t say? 

TBun was also there doing a half.
It was nice to see her at the start, Natch!
On Sunday it was time to run up THE hill again
Mt. Summit is always a challenge for the win

Kerri - StiltJr - and David came along for the fun
And you in the end they all got it done!

On Mother’s Day BBun raced the Kinetic Sprint
She had perfect weather in a pinch
Her goal was to finish upright and smiling
And even managed to run most of the run - that’s winning


Late June someone had a milestone birthday
So Stilt and BBun ran a trail-ish 5K

Then to celebrate the rabbits gathered for a proper tea!
Did they use BBun's mom's teapot? Yes indeed!



In July BBun represented at the kickASTtri
A casual social event it’s a good reason why!


On a not too hot or humid Sunday in late August
The rabbits met up in Annapolis, for you guessed it!

It was the A-10 race you see –
This year was the 49th anniversary!

KBun is the rabbit who is running the most
Through those 10 miles she did coast
The others were all a little worried about making the time cut off
Maybe it’s silly but please don’t scoff
But they all finished in time – easy peasy
With a smile on their faces of course, extra cheesy! 

Stay tuned to see what the rest of 2024 brings
And you can be sure for 2025 they’re already planning!

Friday, December 15, 2023

Podcast Rap

BBun did a thing the other day...
Guest on a podcast? You don’t say!
Yes! The Triathlon Age Group Journey
Hosted by Jay, Jillian, and Matt you see!
Thanks so much for giving her the time
And of course she had to write a short rhyme!
She was pretty nervous beforehand as it turned out
But she needn’t be - as the hosts made her feel comfortable no doubt
She’d been following the show pretty much from the start
But first reached out after the haiku discussion on a lark
So 33 episodes later here they all are
Happy to share her triathlon journey - she’s come pretty far!
Click here to link to the episode!

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Triple Upright Rap

BBun went on three days of hikes - the Virginia Triple Crown
Where the scenery was sure to not cause a frown
Her main goal was to stay upright
Because a tumble would have hurt, that’s right

Dragon's Tooth!

First up was a hike to Dragon’s Tooth
BBun thinks rock scrambles are fun if you want the truth 

The rock scrambles were more fun than the stairs!

One person in the group was really brave
And went all the way to the top - no way!!!

And she climbed all the way up!

On the way back down they saw a huge rat snake
He moved through the leaves quickly, for goodness sake 

The foggy view from Tinker Cliffs

The second day was to Tinker Cliffs
Rainy and overcast if you want the drift

A couple of bridge crossings and past a cow in a pasture
Happy it wasn’t a bull - of that you can be sure!

So many stairs had to be climbed
Going back down them would be a grind!

They couldn’t see the Murder Hole or Scorched Earth views
So BBun Googled them later - what else could she do?
A couple of dudes on their way up said they were living the dream
As BBun struggled to make her way down she could see what they mean! 

Saturday afternoon BBun revisited the Roanoke Star
After a burst of rain the sky cleared and you could see kind of far

The third day brought chilly but more clear weather
And the hike to McAfee Knob would sure to be a winner 

At McAfee Knob!

BBun has to admit, going in she was pretty beat
But didn’t want to miss it as she heard the view was sweet
They got started just before first light
Should have had a head lamp - but no need for a fright!

Sunrise on McAfee Knob...next time!

On the way they passed lots of folks on their way back
They’d been there to see the sunrise - that’s NOT whack

Hiking with friends is the most fun!

They all agreed that that would be cool
But it was nice to preview the hike mostly in the daylight - they aren’t fools

Thanks for the cool picture, Tracy!

Bottom line, is BBun stayed upright all three days
Though a few close calls might have been made!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Army 10 Rap

Team Rabbit took on the Army 10
STUR, KBun, Stilt, and BBun together again!

They all met up at STUR’s house before the crack of dawn
Then caught the metro over to the pentagon 

They arrived in time to see the Army’s Golden Knights
Coming down with red smoke - it was quite a sight

It’s was kind of chilly while they waited to start
And in the porta potty line - that can be the worst part

The bunnies started the race in one of the last waves -
It’s almost 9am - they will start one of these days!

 BBun and KBun were back and forth for a bit
But BBun almost never saw the others - no need to get in a snit
She did see KBun do a bit of a striptease…
KBun had finally warmed up and took off some layers you see!
Apparently Stilt saw her while she waited in a potty line
Stilt decided she could hold it - she was almost halfway there at the time
Out on the course wind was definitely a factor -
From the pain of the last couple miles it was a distractor.
They talked about how the wind was blowing off their ears
Had to hold them in their hand on the bridge or lose them never fear!
STUR ran into BBun while listening to her favorite tune -
They were happy as they would be finishing soon!

The rabbit girls all finished pretty much in a row -
1. 2, 3, 4 - get that medal don’t you know!

 Made the obstacle walk back to the metro station
Back to STUR’s then breakfast at Bob & Edith’s - it’s their tradition!



Thursday, September 28, 2023

Alligator Free Rap

BBun took a road-trip to Augusta G-A
To do the 70.3 on a sunny Sunday 
It had been on her list for a while
So getting it done made her smile
Arrived to the venue in a timely manner 
Packet pickup and pre-race brief? Yes sir!

Always exciting to go to the Ironman Village!

Then got sorted at her hotel and ready for Saturday activities 
There’s always so much to do you see
Quick shake out ride on Trixie 
And one of the first for bike drop woo wee

Trixie wasn't lonely for long!

Walked the swim out and checked out transition
She thought she’d scored a pretty good rack location 

Transition is starting to fill in!

Fun hill up to transition from the swim!

Finally it was time to drive the bike course 
After a false start she got going - no remorse 
Realized she should have brought a drink and some snacks 
And found a convenience store along the way so she grabbed some, natch
Afterwards she picked up an early dinner from the Olive Garden as per the usual
Then was in for the night and thought a good night of sleep would be doable
Morning came - it was still dark
But BBun got going and headed out to park
Short walk down to transition for last minute prep
Then a shuttle bus to the swim made it easier to shlep 
The staging was at a minor league ballpark stadium
The Greenjackets offered actual toilets versus porta potties and use of the Jumbotron 
First met a lady local to the D-M-V...
And was impressed with her car camping set up on the cheap!
Athletes could sit in chairs while watching the start of the pros race
Before the age group rolling start began which was nice
She got in the water about when she’d thought
And made sure she knew the time on the clock
That way she’d know what time of day she had to be done
In case things came down to the wire - ho hum
She had fun chatting with others during the stroll to the river
And met two ladies doing their first triathlons ever!
Finally time to jump in the water on three
A little sunshine in the eyes but had her tinted goggles you see
It was a pretty smooth swim from the start to the exit
And thankfully no alligators were seen - that’s legit
As BBun made her way up the swim exit chute 
Had to double back for her glasses again - oh shoot
Then a quick stop at a porta potty
Then bike gear on and was ready to jump on Trixie
Random Rabbit graffiti at bike out!

The bike course was basically a lollipop loop
With three climbs and an out and back section if you want the scoop
The climbs were manageable and came in the first half
And three aid stations and plenty of volunteers to match 
There is nothing of significance to report
Though one section reminded her of Stagecoach Road and made her head hurt
However, bike aid station number three had
A military memorial section that was inspiring but sad
Finally it was time to get off the bike 
Just a half marathon to go if you like 
Not gonna lie it was a warm and tough affair
But she kept to her plan and made it not without a little prayer!
Made sure to get ice at every aid stop
And met a fellow TriDot athlete and they talked shop
Would you believe it was her first triathlon ever, too?
She was impressed with all of these ladies it’s true!
Finished right behind her
And then hung out for a bit after

BBun - the happy finisher!

Then BBun was ready to go pick up her gear
The walk wasn’t too bad compared to the past hear
Before she knew it she was loaded up and back in her room!
And not long after that she was ready to snooze.
The trip home on Monday went nearly as smoothly 
And got home in the early afternoon - sweet!
Happy to check another race off her bucket list
That’s three in one year, if you get the drift!