
There's always room for another race!
That's a horrible idea... What time?!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Glockenspiel Rap

On Friday afternoon STUR and STEB went to CrossFit class
It was kind of hard but fun and the time passed fast! 
For the WOD they did five minute tests, times four
Each one had its very own score
Row for watts, double-unders, push-ups, and sit ups
Thankfully at the end STUR and STEB didn't throw up!
Since STUR can't jump she subbed kettlebell swings -
174 in the bank - she says "cha-ching!"
STEB was kind of under the weather it seems
So she skipped the other training and caught up on some sleep
On Saturday the Beast and STUR did a swim and aqua jog combo -
90 minutes total went by quickly - not boring and slow!
Sunday was a special day for team Rabbit
Target shooting is their new habit!
A Glock 9 mil, a Berretta, and an FN 5-7...
Were these rabbits in handgun heaven? 
Eye and Ear Protection - check!
STEB even fired an AR-15
It was pretty exciting if you know what we mean
Sunday meant more time swimming meters -
Being with the group makes it all sweeter!

Monday, January 4, 2016

New Year, New Rap

Starting on Friday, STEB and STUR...
Went to a CrossFit workout, for sure! 
New Year, New WOD!
Worked on kettlebell snatches and rowing...
One of the Rabbits now has a bruise that is showing... 
A Kettle Bell Snouch Mark!

We call this the mark of the kettle bell snouch
But it's worth it - these Rabbits don't slouch!
The Scene of the Snouch!
Later that day they saw Star Wars Episode Seven
It was STEB's second viewing and she was in heaven!
STUR hadn't done any aqua jogging all year long -
But she started off the year feeling strong!
Met the Beast on Saturday and it was early-ish but bright,
Did an hour pyramid workout - it was alright!!
Headed to the box to get in a partner WOD -
For thrusters and snatches they did applaud!

STEB had a really good start to her New Year
Did she get many workouts in? You will hear...
The Cats Like to Help Take Christmas Down...
Saturday morning STEB started to take down Christmas
It's always nice while its up and will be missed
Then she headed out with her Riley pup
To Acme, PA to hang with family and stuff
Just relaxed and had her favorite dinner
It wasn't chicken, but was definitely a winner
STEB always enjoys hanging with her cousin Lynn
And Riley gets to see her dog mom Izzy, how fun!
Riley with her Dog Mom (Izzy) and Cat Cousin (Zoey)!
And...The only 'exercise' that she got in
Was lots of walks with Riley but that was a win!
On her way back home, she stopped at a familiar place for a quick bite
Myersville, MD - Home of the Happy Happy, Pain Pain Ride!

Last time was for an epic Rabbit road trip, but the views are outta sight!
The Views Really are Pretty!
On Sunday, STUR happily slept in but later got into the pool,
Because everybody knows that swimming rules!!
Also this weekend she had a Star Wars watch-a-thon
Saw 4 of the movies total...is that wrong?
A Lego X-Wing Fighter!