
There's always room for another race!
That's a horrible idea... What time?!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Race or No Race Rap

Saturday morning some rabbits were supposed to run
It was the JFK 20K, but it was canceled, son of a gun
They made the best of their day
Just listen to what they have to say:
Saturday morning STUR headed over to Carderock park -
On a 15 mile solo run she was about to embark.
STUR is ready to run!

There was supposed to be a race on this very same trail -
But the race had to be postponed- that’s the tale.
There was a lot of construction and STUR had to take more than one detour…
What were they doing? She was not sure!
Detour, schmetour!

The entire weekend, PBun actually didn’t swim
But there was lots of biking, running, and lifting for the win
Saturday consisted of bike~run~lift
She’s trying to get stronger if you get the drift
That night she went to a matchup of the A10
It wasn't the Warthog, understand?
GMU is having a good season!
The visiting fans were on point
Their chants were brutal in the joint
"You let the whole team down!"
When the foul shots didn’t go down!
The halftime entertainment was pretty sweet
Jump-roping with a pogostick can't be beat! 

It was battle of the Georges: Washington and Mason
The Virginia team triumphed, in the end
All the attendees also won, too
The Chick-fil-A fowl shot, it’s true!
PBun knows what's for lunch on Monday!
During Sunday's powerlifting session
She used the Pit Shark belt squat machine
It looks a bit scary but is pretty cool
This machine rocks!
And allows you to squat heavy - a nifty tool!
Later at home she went for a run
Just on her treadmill – it was fun!
Sunday was the Tropical Splash swim meet-
Four Rabbits were in attendance- sweet!
STUR and BLUR area ready to siwm!
MRab swam with a competitive drive -
Happy with all his times - high five!
CBun had kind of a long wait -
Not swimming until 12:30 was her fate!
Once she got to swim she scored a new PR-
Even with water in her goggles - she’s a star!
BLUR had two very solid swims…
PR city - she don’t need no fins!
Way to go, BLUR!
STUR was happy to swim and be with her friends -
She scored a couple of ribbons in the end.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Early Rock Rap

STUR was looking forward to her Saturday morning activity
It had been two weeks since she ran you see.
Headed out on neighborhood roads to avoid the snow-
Still found some slippery spots don’t you know.
She went back and forth and up and down-
12 miles total without leaving her town!
Walked Lazlo a bit over a mile through the hood-
Quickly got a shower- it’s all good!
Excited to meet PBun for lunch and a play-
Jumping into an Uber is how they got away!
PBun started her day taking Riley for a walk
Then it was time for a bike run brick. Not a shock
Things went off without a hitch
After cinnamon rolls she got ready lickety split
Headed downtown to the National Theatre
Upstream through the Women's March went PBun and STUR
First grabbed lunch at Panera Bread
Where seating was kind of limited
Arrived at the theater in plenty of time
And acknowledging it is not a crime!
Let's get rockin'!

The lights went down and the show got under way
They were going to stick it to the man, no way!
The School of Rock was so much fun
A band with talented, young musicians!
Dewey Finn even did an amazing box jump
By the end he finally got a couple fist bumps!
Sunday PBun was up early to get in a run
On the treadmill is how she got it done
After that she headed over to Tysons Playground
All over body Powerlifting is what went down
PBun was definitely early!

She was reminded to “Chase Greatness”
And of course she did her best!
Love this message!

Next up she had a coffee ‘date’
With some high school friends – isn’t that great?
Coffee with friends is always a good idea!

On Sunday STUR walked with Lazlo for a whole 5KEH-
Even in the wind he tries really hard to obey
STUR then got to the pool extra early -
Got in a 3 mile swim even through the crowded hurly burly!

Fun School of Rock videos from Broadway.com via YouTube!

Stick it to the Man!

Teacher’s Pet

Monday, January 7, 2019

Under Weather Rap

This weekend STUR and JRab had a very special house guest-
He is a big boy named Sir Beatle and he was the best!
Sir Big, err Sir Beatle!

Lazlo was away getting some training -
Soon lots of confidence he will be gaining!
On Saturday STUR stepped away and got in a run of 9 total miles -
She was wearing short sleeves in January? All smiles!
Crazy mild weather, but no complaints!

Partway through her ran she arrived at CrossFit<
This was more than a warm up of that you can bet!
Then got in a huge variety of stuff with a partner
Having a time cap made it even harder!
Back to the metro and home for dog walking-
Beatle is so good on a leash it’s shocking!
Meanwhile PBun did some swim~bike~run training
Basically an indoor tri, but not because it was raining! 
She and Andrew attended a baby shower that afternoon
Maybe PBun should have held the sign properly?

The funny photo booth signs and being with family put her over the moon
Happy parents to be!

Sunday STUR woke up feeling a tad under the weather…
She wondered if swimming would make her feel better?
It wasn’t the worst but she was the most happy to get her Lazlo back-
Even though he clearly enjoyed being with a dog pack!
Sunday PBun she took her pup on a nice walk
Followed this with powerlifting class and some squats
She's pretty sure she's gonna have DOMS
A nice afternoon nap didn't hurt none!
MRab and his wife hit up the Blue Brothers Review at the Hamilton
They were rocking!

From the looks of things it was tons of fun!
Is MRab on a mission?

CBun had a pretty fun experience to start off January
Little different than bicycle helmets!

She went for a ride with CRab on his Harley!
Turns out KBun is also under the weather
Hopefully next weekend all the rabbits will be healthy together!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Great Gatsby Rap

Wow! Saturday was an absolutely amazing day-
KBun met STUR at Belle Haven to play!
Started running towards Mt Vernon, 3 miles out -
Went back to cars - no time to give George a shout!
Refueled and headed towards Old Town -
At the docks is where they did turn around.
On the way back, KBun spotted something in the sky -
It was a gorgeous bald eagle – my, oh my!!
Fly like an eagle! How amazing!!
Got back to the cars and decided they were done -
Hopped in the cars and made a Five Guys run!!

Sunday it was time for a bi-annual tradition:
100 100’s at Chinquapin Rec Center was the mission!
STUR gathered up swimming buddy Maureen -
An L4 swim workout she did bring.
Wrote it up on the dry erase board-
All the different sets could not be ignored!
Part 2 of the workout!

Great mix of kicking ( yes kicking), stroke, and free-
Before they knew it they were halfway there - whee!!
BLUR had arrived to take on her very own epic swim -
She powered through those 4000 plus meters, not on a whim!
All swimmers were done at pretty much the same time -
The pool was quiet with many open lanes - so sublime!
It's almost the new year - we think we should do 100 100s!

Next up, another tradition was awaiting:
Chipotle for BLUR and STUR is the best - no debating!
The Fairfax Four Miler was a bit on the rainy side -
But all the participating rabbits took it in stride!
Ran into Robin from FitPro Massage
She was running with Kaiser, her cute little Husky dog!
Kaiser is ready to roll!

The pizza afterwards was super yummy -
Some took more than their one slice minimum for their tummy.
PBun partook in the recovery chocolate milk
She happily took STUR’s portion too if you will!
PBun briefly caught up with her friend Greg
He’s a half marathon machine – can you dig?
Greg has really run a lot of half marathons!

STUR and PBun discovered something very coincidental-
Both of their first and third miles were the same pace-certainly accidental!
This tree looked really cool in the drizzle!

A couple of photo ops by the large decorated tree
Now it’s time to celebrate the end of 2018!
Cheers to New Years!

A gang of rabbits decided to celebrate NYE Gatsby style -
Dressing up in 20’s clothing made them smile!
Rockin' group!

Old Team Z friends Linda and Chris joined them as well -
Seeing them at the party was really swell!
Old Z-mates!

At first it was fun to eat, drink, and dance a bit -
But honestly the loud crowd and music made them all want to split!
David and BLUR!

Most made it to midnight but some did not. Oh dear!
Team Rabbit wishes everyone a very Happy New Year!
STUR, rocking in the New Year on the air guitar!